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C7021-02N-X データシート (PDF) - Cooper Bussmann, Inc.

C7021-02N-X Datasheet PDF - Cooper Bussmann, Inc.
部品番号 C7021-02N-X
ダウンロード  C7021-02N-X ダウンロード

ファイルサイズ   137.6 Kbytes
ページ   2 Pages
メーカー  COOPER [Cooper Bussmann, Inc.]
ホームページ  http://www.cooperbussmann.com
Logo COOPER - Cooper Bussmann, Inc.
部品情報 Power Feed Thru Terminal Block

C7021-02N-X Datasheet (PDF)

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C7021-02N-X Datasheet PDF - Cooper Bussmann, Inc.

部品番号 C7021-02N-X
ダウンロード  C7021-02N-X Click to download

ファイルサイズ   137.6 Kbytes
ページ   2 Pages
メーカー  COOPER [Cooper Bussmann, Inc.]
ホームページ  http://www.cooperbussmann.com
Logo COOPER - Cooper Bussmann, Inc.
部品情報 Power Feed Thru Terminal Block

C7021-02N-X データシート (HTML) - Cooper Bussmann, Inc.

同様の部品番号 - C7021-02N-X

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Cooper Bussmann, Inc. について

Cooper Bussmann, Inc. is a company that specializes in providing electrical safety and circuit protection solutions. The company was founded in 1914 and is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Cooper Bussmann offers a wide range of products, including fuses, fuse blocks, power distribution blocks, disconnect switches, and surge protective devices. These products are used in various applications, such as power generation, transmission, and distribution, as well as in industrial, commercial, and residential settings.

In 2008, Cooper Bussmann was acquired by Eaton Corporation, a multinational power management company. Today, the company operates as a business unit of Eaton's Electrical Sector.


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