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GPCR03B データシート(PDF) 1 Page - Generalplus Technology Inc. |
GPCR03B データシート(HTML) 1 Page - Generalplus Technology Inc. |
1 / 7 page ![]() GPCR03B SINGLE-CHIP VOICE RECORD/PLAYBACK DEVICES 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The GPCR03B is a record and playback device without CPU. It includes 256K-bit working SRAM capable of storing approximately 10 seconds of audio or speech data (@ 6.0KHz sampling rate). Easy-to-use with low power consumption, it has MIC (microphone) input, AGC function, one PWM audio output and direct speaker driver offering the simplest solution for users. For audio processing, melody and speech can be mixed into one output. It operates over a wide operating voltage range (2.4V - 5.5V) providing various battery options. Providing the best cost/performance ratio for users, the GPCR03B includes, not only the latest technology, but also the full commitment and technical support of Generalplus. 2. BLOCK DIAGRAM AUDP CLOCK GENERATOR ADDRESS COUNTER MICPHONE INPUT & AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL CONTROL LOGIC 256K BITS MEMORY CELL ADPCM DECODER & PWM OUTPUT ROSC OP1I OP1O RECO PLAY ADPCM ENCODER MIC ALC AUDN LOWPRESS & FILTER 3. FEATURES Nature, high-quality playback suitable for voice, music, and tones Single-chip voice record and playback device Microphone preamplifier Automatic gain control Direct speaker driver Built in 256K-bit SRAM Wide operating voltage: 2.4V - 5.5V Frequency of playing and recording: 4K - 12KHz 4. APPLICATION FIELD Memo Message Recorder Hand-Carried Message Recorder Recordable Toys © Generalplus Technology Inc. Proprietary & Confidential 1 JUN. 22, 2005 Version: 1.2 |
同様の部品番号 - GPCR03B |
同様の説明 - GPCR03B |
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