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Q25-SN6-LP-Q データシート(PDF) 2 Page - Banner Engineering Corp. |
Q25-SN6-LP-Q データシート(HTML) 2 Page - Banner Engineering Corp. |
2 / 2 page 2 © Banner Engineering - www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: +1-763-544-3164 P/N 52993 Rev. B Retro target Up Down Right Left Rotate left-right Rotate up-down Down Left Up Right Receiver Emitter bu bn wh bk 10 - 30V dc Load Alarm + – Rotate left-right Rotate up-down Object Received light Emitted light Background a Yellow LED - output indicator gelbe LED - Ausgangsanzelge LED giallo - indicazione dell’uscita LED juane - visualisation de la sortie 受光量表示 (黄) LED indicador amarillo - indicador de la salida b Green LED - power indicator grüne LED - Betriebsspannung LED verde - tensione di alimentazione LED verte - tension de service 電源表示 (緑) (過負荷時点滅) LED indicador verde - alimentacion c Cable or Quick-disconnect (QD) Kabel oder EuroFast steckverbinder Cavo o connettore EuroFast Cable ou connecteur EuroFast ケ一ブルまたlまQDコネク Cable o conector EuroFast CONNECTIONS ANSCHLUß CONNESSIONE RACCORDEMENT 配線 CONEXIONES BN Brown braun marrone brun 茶 marrón WH White weiß bianco blanc 白 blanco BK Black schwarz nero noir 黒 negro BU Blue blau blu bleu 青 azul *LOAD Load Last Carico Charge 負荷 Carga *ALARM Alarm Alarm Allarme Alarme アラ一ム Alarma 2 3 4 1 a d b c Required Overcurrent Protection WARNING: Electrical connections must be made by qualified personnel in accordance with local and national electrical codes and regulations. Erforderlicher Überstromschutz WARNUNG: Die elektrischen Anschlüsse müssen von qualifizierten Personen unter Beachtung der örtlichen und nationalen Gesetze und Vorschriften für elektrische Anschlüsse verbunden werden. Protezione da sovracorrente richiesta AVVERTENZA: I collegamenti elettrici devono essere eseguiti da personale qualificato in conformità alle norme e ai regolamenti vigenti a livello nazionale in materia di elettricità. Protection contre la surintensité requise AVERTISSEMENT: Les raccordements électriques doivent être effectués par du personnel qualifié conformément aux réglementations et codes électriques nationaux et locaux. 必要な過電流保護 警告:有資格者が地域、および全国の電気工事規定、 規制に準拠し、電気接続を行ってください。 Overcurrent protection is required to be provided by end product application per the supplied table. Overcurrent protection may be provided with external fusing or via Current Limiting, Class 2 Power Supply. Supply wiring leads < 24 AWG shall not be spliced. For additional product support, go to www.bannerengineering.com. Überstromschutz ist erforderlich, dieser muss von der Anwendung des Endprodukts gemäß der angegebenen Tabelle bereitgestellt werden. Überstromschutz kann durch externe Sicherung oder über ein strombegrenzendes Netzteil der Klasse 2 eingerichtet werden. Versorgungskabelleitungen < 24 AWG müssen ungespleißt sein. Weiteren Produktsupport erhalten Sie unter www.bannerengineering.com. L’applicazione finale deve prevedere una protezione da sovracorrente come indicato nella tabella fornita. La protezione da sovracorrente può essere assicurata da un fusibile esterno o mediante limitazione di corrente, con alimentazione classe II. I conduttori di alimentazione con sezione < 24 AWG non devono essere giuntati. Per ulteriore supporto andare all’indirizzo www.bannerengineering. com. Une protection de surintensité doit être fournie par l’installation du produit final, conformément au tableau fourni. Il est possible de fournir une protection de surintensité par un fusible externe ou par une alimentation de classe 2, avec limitation de courant. Il ne faut pas raccorder des câbles d’alimentation d’un diamètre inférieur à 24 AWG. Pour obtenir un support produit supplémentaire, rendez-vous sur le site www.bannerengineering.com. 最終製品の用途により付属の表に従い、過電流保護を提供 しなければなりません。 過電流保護は、外付けヒューズ、または電流制限クラス2電源 で提供することができます。 24 AWG未満の電源配線リードは、接合してはなりません。 製品サポートの詳細は、www.bannerengineering.comをご覧 ください。 Supply Wiring (AWG) Required Overcurrent Protection 20 5.0 Amps 22 3.0 Amps 24 2.0 Amps 26 1.0 Amps 28 0.8 Amps 30 0.5 Amps Versorgungskabel (AWG) Erforderlicher Überstromschutz 20 5.0 A 22 3.0 A 24 2.0 A 26 1.0 A 28 0.8 A 30 0.5 A Cavo di alimentazione (AWG) Protezione da sovracorrente richiesta 20 5.0 A 22 3.0 A 24 2.0 A 26 1.0 A 28 0.8 A 30 0.5 A Câble d’alimentation (AWG) Protection contre la surintensité requise 20 5.0 A 22 3.0 A 24 2.0 A 26 1.0 A 28 0.8 A 30 0.5 A 電源配線 (AWG) 必要な過電流保護 (アンプ) 20 5.0 アンプ 22 3.0 アンプ 24 2.0 アンプ 26 1.0 アンプ 28 0.8 アンプ 30 0.5 アンプ Banner Engineering Corp. Limited Warranty Banner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application or installation of the Banner product. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE. This Warranty is exclusive and limited to repair or, at the discretion of Banner Engineering Corp., replacement. IN NO EVENT SHALL BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY EXTRA COSTS, EXPENSES, LOSSES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY PRODUCT DEFECT OR FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STATUTE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE. Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligations or liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp. ALIGNMENT JUSTAGE ALLINEAMENTO REGLAGE 光軸調整 ALINEACION P 上 反射板 右 左 下 検出物 左右に回転させる 上下に傾ける 投光 反射光 左右に回転させる 受光器 上 右 投光器 左 上下に傾ける 下 Protección de sobreamperaje necesaria ADVERTENCIA: Las conexiones eléctricas deben ser realizadas por personal cualificado de acuerdo con las normativas y códigos eléctricos locales y nacionales. Se debe proporcionar protección de sobreamperaje en la aplicación del producto final tal como se indica en esta tabla. La protección de sobreamperaje se puede proporcionar con fusibles externos o con una fuente de alimentación de clase 2 con limitación de corriente. Los cables de suministro < 24 AWG no se pueden empalmar. Para obtener más información sobre el producto, visite http:// www. bannerengineering.com. Cableado de suministro (AWG) Protección de sobreamperaje necesaria 20 5.0 A 22 3.0 A 24 2.0 A 26 1.0 A 28 0.8 A 30 0.5 A NPN (Sinking) Outputs Standard QD Emitters bn bu wh bk + 10 - 30V dc – Load Load bu bn wh bk 10 - 30V dc Load + – Alarm 10 - 30V dc no connection bu bk bn wh + – bn bu 10-30V dc + – bu bn wh bk + 10 - 30V dc – Load Load NPN (Sinking) Outputs Alarm PNP (Sourcing) Outputs Standard PNP (Sourcing) Outputs Alarm Cabled Emitters 投光器側配線 |
同様の部品番号 - Q25-SN6-LP-Q |
同様の説明 - Q25-SN6-LP-Q |
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