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BTN8962 データシート(PDF) 66 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
BTN8962 データシート(HTML) 66 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
66 / 94 page To determine the delay for a rising edge tr(HS),total, the voltage limit is set to the corresponding current level, which is reached with a voltage drop of 80% of VOUT ≈ VS over the test resistor Rtest, as shown in the test setup in Figure 70. As this test is based on the concurrency of the output voltage and current IL, only an ohmic load should be used. This setup results in the direct proportional context of IL = VS ⁄ Rtest and with the current sense function from Chapter 4.5: IIS = IL dkILIS + IIS offset = Vs dkILIS ⋅ Rtest + IIS offset Equation 25 The resulting voltage VADC on the microcontroller’s ADC input pin (according to Figure 70): VADC = R12 ⋅ IIS = Vs ⋅ R12 dkILIS ⋅ Rtest + IIS offset ⋅ R12 Equation 26 This means that the comparator threshold should be set to a corresponding voltage level of: VADC,80%V s = 0.8 ⋅ Vs ⋅ R12 dkILIS ⋅ Rtest + IIS offset ⋅ R12 Equation 27 This procedure allows to measure the input delay tr(HS),total with a microcontroller’s ADC in a predefined end of line test, with a known resistor Rtest. The test is summarized in Figure 71. The time measurement is started in parallel to the rising edge of the IN input pin. If the voltage level of VADC, as described in Equation 27, is reached, the resulting delay time tr(HS),total can be calculated. BTN8960 /62 /80 /82 High Current PN Half Bridge Switching Timing Application Note 66 Rev. 0.6 2017-02-21 |
同様の部品番号 - BTN8962 |
同様の説明 - BTN8962 |
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