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BTN8962 データシート(PDF) 75 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
BTN8962 データシート(HTML) 75 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
75 / 94 page 5.7 Output duty cycle relationships The output duty cycle do not have an exact linear relationship with the input duty cycle. The different PWM IN to OUT transfer functions depend on the PWM frequency and the device specific timings. Rising time, falling time and switch on/off delay times have to be taken into account for calculating the output duty cycle as shown in Figure 80. The output duty cycle is mainly influenced by the switch on/off delay times. Especially for low input PWM frequency , the rising/falling times have only minor impact on DCOUT. As shown in Equation 39, the TON(OUT) is mainly influenced by switch on delay time, rising time and switch off time: TON(OUT) = DCOUT ⋅ T = DCIN ⋅ T + tdf HS − tr HS − tdr HS Equation 39 The output duty cycle can be derived from the formula above: DCOUT = TON OUT T = DCIN + f ⋅ tdf HS − tr HS − tdr HS Equation 40 Since DCOUT is mainly influenced by switch on/off delay times, the output duty cycle equation can be simplified as: DCOUT = TON OUT T ≈ DCIN + f ⋅ tdf HS − tdr HS Equation 41 IN VOUT t t VOUT tdr (HS ) tr(HS ) tdf (HS ) tf(HS ) VOUT 20% 20% 80% 80% tr(HS ),total tf(HS ),total DCIN ·T DCOUT ·T Figure 80 Definition of duty cycle for load to GND Since the switching on/off times are adjustable by varying the slew rate resistor, the output duty cycle spread is mainly caused by the different RSR values. The output duty cycle spreads of BTN8982TA and BTN8962TA at a PWM frequency of 20 kHz are shown in Figure 81 and Figure 82. The curves are fitted to the discrete measurement data of (DCIN, DCOUT) points. BTN8960 /62 /80 /82 High Current PN Half Bridge Switching Timing Application Note 75 Rev. 0.6 2017-02-21 |
同様の部品番号 - BTN8962 |
同様の説明 - BTN8962 |
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