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S2070 データシート(PDF) 3 Page - Applied Micro Circuits Corporation |
S2070 データシート(HTML) 3 Page - Applied Micro Circuits Corporation |
3 / 20 page 3 S2070 FIBRE CHANNEL/GIGABIT ETHERNET TRANSCEIVER March 7, 2001 / Revision G TRANSMITTER DESCRIPTION The S2070 transmitter accepts 10-bit parallel input data and serializes it for transmission over fiber optic or coaxial cable media. The chip is fully compatible with the IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet and ANSI X3T11 Fibre Channel standards. The S2070 uses a PLL to generate the serial rate transmit clock. The transmitter runs at 10 times the TBC input clock, and operates in either full rate or half rate mode. Parallel-to-Serial Conversion The parallel-to-serial converter takes in 10-bit wide data from the input latch and converts it to a serial data stream. Parallel data is latched into the trans- mitter on the positive going edge of TBC. The data is then clocked into the serial output shift register. The shift register is clocked by the internally generated bit clock which is 10x the TBC input frequency. TX[0] is transmitted first. Transmit Byte Clock (TBC) The Transmit Byte Clock (TBC) input must be sup- plied from a clock source with 100 ppm tolerance to assure that the transmitted data meets the Fibre Channel frequency limits. The internal serial clock is frequency locked to TBC. TBC is input at full or half rate determined by the state of the RATEN input. Operating rates are shown in Table 2. Transmit Latency The average transmit latency is 4 parallel clocks. N E T A R t u p n I l e l l a r a P ) s p b M ( e t a R y c n e u q e r F C B T ) z H M ( t u p t u O l a i r e S ) s p b G ( e t a R 05 2 15 2 15 2 . 1 05 2 . 6 0 15 2 . 6 0 15 2 6 0 . 1 15 . 2 65 . 2 65 2 6 . 0 15 2 1 . 3 55 2 1 . 3 55 2 1 3 5 . 0 Table 2. Operating Rates |
同様の部品番号 - S2070 |
同様の説明 - S2070 |
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