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CAT4137 データシート(PDF) 8 Page - Catalyst Semiconductor |
CAT4137 データシート(HTML) 8 Page - Catalyst Semiconductor |
8 / 14 page CAT4137 Doc. No. MD-5012 Rev. B 8 © Catalyst Semiconductor, Inc. Characteristics subject to change without notice DEVICE OPERATION The CAT4137 is a fixed frequency (1MHz), low noise, inductive boost converter providing constant current to the load. A high voltage internal CMOS power switch is used to energize the external inductor. When the power switch is then turned off, the stored energy inductor is released into the load via the external Schottky diode. The on/off duty cycle of the power switch is internally adjusted and controlled to maintain a constant regulated voltage of 0.3V across the external feedback resistor connected to the feedback pin (FB). The value of external resistor will accurately set the LED bias current accordingly (0.3V/R1). During the initial power-up stage, the duty cycle of the internal power switch is limited to prevent excessive in-rush currents and thereby provide a “soft-start” mode of operation. While in normal operation, the device will comfortably deliver up to 30mA of bias current into a string of up to 5 white LEDs. In the event of a “Open-Led” fault condition, where the feedback control loop becomes open, the output voltage will continue to increase. Once this voltage exceeds 24V, an internal protection circuit will become active and place the device into a very low power safe operating mode. In addition, an internal clamping circuit will limit the peak output voltage to 29V. If this fault condition is repaired, the device will automatically resume normal operation. Thermal overload protection circuitry has been included to prevent the device from operating at unsafe junction temperatures above 150ºC. In the event of a thermal overload condition the device will automatically shutdown and wait till the junction temperatures cools to 130ºC before normal operation is resumed. BLOCK DIAGRAM VREF Enable VIN VIN VOUT Current Sense 300mV ILED C1 RS SHDN Thermal Shutdown & UVLO 1MHz Oscillator Over Voltage Protection PWM & Logic Driver C2 GND FB SW + – A1 N1 A2 RC CC R1 15Ω |
同様の部品番号 - CAT4137 |
同様の説明 - CAT4137 |
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