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4250 データシート(PDF) 28 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
4250 データシート(HTML) 28 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
28 / 59 page 27 MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS 4250 Group SINGLE-CHIP 4-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Remarks Select the return edge (rising edge or falling edge) with the bit 2 of register K0 according to the external state before going into the RAM back-up state. Set the port using the key-on wakeup function selected with register K0 to “H” level before going into the RAM back-up state. Return source G0/INT pin Ports G1–G3 S0–S3 Return condition Return by an external rising edge input (“L” →“H”) or falling edge input (“H” →“L”). The EXF0 flag is not set. Return by an external “L” level input. Table 13 Return source and return condition Note: G0/INT pin and ports G1–G3, S0–S3 share the circuit which is used to detect the edge and to recognize “L” level. The G0/INT pin cannot be set to “no key-on wakeup.” RAM BACK-UP MODE The 4250 Group has the RAM back-up mode. When the POF instruction is executed continuously, system enters the RAM back-up state. As oscillation stops retaining RAM, the function of reset circuit and states at RAM back-up mode, current dissipation can be reduced without losing the contents of RAM. Table 12 shows the function and states retained at RAM back-up. Figure 24 shows the state transition. (1) Identification of the start condition Warm start (return from the RAM back-up state) or cold start (return from the normal reset state) can be identified by examining the state of the power down flag (P) with the SNZP instruction. (2) Warm start condition When the external wakeup signal is input after the system enters the RAM back-up state by executing the POF instruction continuously, the CPU starts executing the software from address 0 in page 0. In this case, the P flag is “1.” (3) Cold start condition The CPU starts executing the software from address 0 in page 0 when reset pulse is input to RESET pin. In this case, the P flag is “0.” (4) Return signal An external wakeup signal is used to return from the RAM back-up mode. Table 13 shows the return condition for each return source. Table 12 Functions and states retained at RAM back-up RAM back-up ! O ! ! ! O O ! ! ! ! Function Program counter (PC), registers A, B, carry flag (CY), stack pointer (SP) (Note 2) Contents of RAM Port Timer control register V1 Timer 1 function Pull-up control register PU0 Key-on wakeup control register K0 Logic operation selection register LO External interrupt request flag (EXF0) Timer 1 interrupt request flag (T1F) Interrupt enable flag (INTE) Notes 1: “O” represents that the function can be retained, and “!” represents that the function is initialized. Registers and flags other than the above are undefined at RAM back-up, and set an initial value after returning. 2:The stack pointer (SP) points the level of the stack register and is initialized to “3” at RAM back-up. |
同様の部品番号 - 4250 |
同様の説明 - 4250 |
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