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BA12001B データシート(PDF) 4 Page - Rohm |
BA12001B データシート(HTML) 4 Page - Rohm |
4 / 6 page BA12001B / BA12003B / BA12003BF / BA12004B Standard ICs Application example RY (1) Relay driver LED (2) LED driver Fig.5 Application notes The BA12001B is a transistor array which can be directly coupled to a general logic circuit such as PMOS, CMOS, or TTL. A current limiting resistor needs to be connected in series with the input. The BA12003B / BF can be coupled directly to TTL or CMOS output (when operating at 5V). In order to limit the input current to a stable value, resistors are connected in series to each of the inputs. The BA12004B is designed for direct coupling to CMOS or PMOS output using a 6 to 15V power supply voltage. In order to limit the input current to a stable value, resistors are connected in series to each of the inputs. The load for each of these products should be connected between the driver output and the power supply. To protect the IC from excessive swing voltage, the COM pin (Pin 9) should be connected to the power supply. Fig.6 shows the configuration of the on-chip diode for surge absorption. In the construction of the surge-absorbing diode,there is an N-P junction between the N-layer (N-well + BL) and the substrate (P-sub) so that when the diode is on, current flows from the output pin to the substrate. In terms of the vertical construction, this diode is configured similar to a PNP transistor. When using the surge-absorbing diode, take appropriate measures regarding the thermal characteristics of the design considering the current that will be handled. Also, if motor back-rush current or other conditions that will result continued surge current to flow to the surge-absorbing diode can be foreseen, we strongly recommend connecting a Schottky barrier diode (or other type of diode with a low foward voltage) in parallel with the surge-absorbing diode to construct a bypass route for the surge current. ISO P ISO P B / L IDi Isub N + P + In-flow current to the surge-absorbing diode N + N + OUT COM P-sub Fig.6 Vertical construction of the surge-absorbing diode N-well |
同様の部品番号 - BA12001B |
同様の説明 - BA12001B |
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