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GL4PR8 データシート(PDF) 1 Page - Sharp Corporation |
GL4PR8 データシート(HTML) 1 Page - Sharp Corporation |
1 / 4 page ![]() 45 (Notice) ¡In the absence of confirmation by device specification sheets, SHARP takes no responsibility for any defects that may occur in equipment using any SHARP devices shown in catalogs, data books, etc. Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest device specification sheets before using any SHARP device. (Internet) ¡Data for sharp's optoelectronic/power device is provided for internet.(Address http://www.sharp.co.jp/ecg/) (Unit : mm) (Ta=25˚C) LED Lamp GL4tt8 series GL4tt8 series s Outline Dimensions ø4.8 ø4.0 Colored diffusion 0.5 ±0.1 2.54NOM 1 2 Pin connections 1 Anode 2 Cathode Unspecified tolerance: ±0.2 s Radiation Diagram 0˚ 0 40 20 60 -20˚ +20˚ +40˚ +60˚ +80˚ -40˚ -60˚ -80˚ -30˚ -50˚ +10˚ 100 -10˚ +30˚ +50˚ +70˚ +90˚ -90˚ -70˚ 80 DC Pulse GL4PR8 GL4HD8 GL4HS8 GL4HY8 GL4EG8 GL4KG8 GaP GaAsP on GaP GaAsP on GaP GaAsP on GaP GaP GaP 23 84 84 84 84 84 10 30 30 30 30 30 0.13 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 260 260 260 260 260 260 50 50 50 50 50 50 5 5 5 5 5 5 Model No. Radiation color Radiation material Power dissipation P (mW) Forward current IF (mA) Derating factor (mA/˚C) Peak forward current IFM*1 (mA) Operating temperature Topr (˚C) Storage temperature Tstg (˚C) Soldering temperature Tsol*2 (˚C) Reverse voltage VR (V) (Ta=25˚C) Red Red Sunset orange Yellow Yellow-green Green -25 to +85 -25 to +85 -25 to +100 -25 to +100 -25 to +85 -25 to +85 -25 to +100 -25 to +100 -25 to +85 -25 to +85 -25 to +100 -25 to +100 *1 Duty ratio=1/10, Pulse width=0.1ms *2 5s or less(At the position of 1.6mm or more from the bottom face of resin package) s Absolute Maximum Ratings GL4PR8 GL4HD8 GL4HS8 GL4HY8 GL4EG8 GL4KG8 TYP MAX 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 695 635 610 585 565 555 5 20 20 20 20 20 5 20 20 20 20 20 5 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 55 20 15 35 35 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 → → → → → → 100 35 35 30 30 25 15 110 80 110 100 30 Model No. Lens type Forward voltage VF(V) λp(nm) TYP IV(mcd) TYP IF (mA) IF (mA) IF (mA) (MHZ) VR (V) IR( µA) MAX Ct(pF) TYP ∆λ(nm) TYP Peak emission wavelength Luminous intensity Spectrum radiation bandwidth Reverse current Page for characteristics diagrams Terminal capacitance (Ta=25˚C) Colored diffusion s Electro-optical Characteristics ø4mm, Cylinder Type, Colored Diffusion LED Lamps for Indicator |
同様の部品番号 - GL4PR8 |
同様の説明 - GL4PR8 |
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