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FXP07070100A データシート(PDF) 3 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers

部品番号 FXP07070100A
部品情報  Flexible PCB Penta Band GSM Antenna 100mm 횠1.13 cable IPEX connector
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FXP07070100A データシート(HTML) 3 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers

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3. Electrical Property
Test Setup
FXP.07 with original ground plane
FXP.07 was design with a cell phone size ground plane (110 x 45 mm) so works the best with this ground plane. Tests were setup to
demonstrate its RF properties with this ground plane, in free space and adhere to a plastic. Satimo SG64 3D-chamber is used for
radiation and efficiency test with 5% tolerance.

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