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RE46C141S16F データシート(PDF) 4 Page - Microchip Technology |
RE46C141S16F データシート(HTML) 4 Page - Microchip Technology |
4 / 12 page RE46C141 CMOS Photoelectric Smoke Detector ASIC with Interconnect R&E International Product Specification A Subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc. © 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22177B-page 4 AC Electrical Characteristics at TA =-25° to 75°, VDD=9V, VSS=0V, Component Values from Figure 2 ; R9=100KΩ, R12=10MΩ, C5= 1.5nF(unless otherwise noted) Limits Parameter Symbol Test Pin Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units Oscillator Period TPOSC 12 No Alarm Condition, Note 2 7.1 7.9 8.6 mS LED and STROBE On Time TON1 11,4 Operating 7.1 7.9 8.6 mS TPLED1 11 Standby, No Alarm 28.8 32.4 35.2 S TPLED2 11 Local Alarm Condition .45 .5 .55 S LED Period TPLED4 11 Remote Alarm Only LED IS NOT ON S TPER1 4,6 Standby, No Alarm 7.3 8.1 8.8 S TPER1A 4,6 Standby, After 1 Valid Smoke Sample 1.8 2 2.2 S TPER1B 4,6 Standby, After 2 Consecutive Valid Smoke Samples .9 1 1.1 S TPER2 4,6 In Local Alarm – (3 Consecutive Valid Smoke Samples) .9 1 1.1 S TPER3 4,6 In Remote Alarm 7.3 8.1 8.8 S TPER4 4,6 Pushbutton Test 250 mS STROBE and IRED Pulse Period TPER5 4,6 Chamber Test or Low Battery Test, no Alarms 28.8 35.2 S IRED On Time TON2 6 Operating, Note 2 94 104 115 uS THON1 8,9 Operating, Alarm Condition, Note 1 450 500 550 mS Horn On Time THON2 8,9 Low Battery or Failed Chamber Test , No Alarm 7.1 7.9 8.6 mS THOF1 8,9 Operating, Alarm Condition, Note 1 450 500 550 mS THOF2 8,9 Operating, Alarm Condition, Note 1 1.35 1.5 1.65 S Horn Off Time THOF3 8,9 Low Battery or Failed Chamber Test, No Alarm 28.8 32.4 35.2 S IO Charge Dump Duration TIODMP 7 At Conclusion of Local Alarm or Test .68 1.1 S IO Delay TIODLY1 7 From Start of Local Alarm to IO Active 0 S IO Filter TIOFILT 7 IO pulse width guaranteed to be filtered. IO as Input, No Local Alarm 450 mS Remote Alarm Delay TIODLY2 7 No Local Alarm, From IO Active Horn Active .9 1.65 S Note 1 - See timing diagram for Horn Temporal Pattern Note 2 - TPOSC and TON2 are 100% production tested. All other timing is guaranteed by functional testing. Typical values are for design information and are not guaranteed. Limits over the specified temperature range are not production tested and are based on characterization data. |
同様の部品番号 - RE46C141S16F |
同様の説明 - RE46C141S16F |
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