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TS12011ITD1022 データシート(PDF) 1 Page - Silicon Laboratories |
TS12011ITD1022 データシート(HTML) 1 Page - Silicon Laboratories |
1 / 18 page TS12011/TS12012 Page 1 © 2014 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. FEATURES NanoWatt Analog™ Op Amp, Comparator, and 0.58V Reference in Single 4 mm2 Package Ultra Low Total Supply Current: 1.6µA (max) Supply Voltage Range: 0.8V to 2.5V Internal 0.58V Reference Op Amp and Comparator Input Ranges are Rail-to-Rail Unity-gain Stable Op Amp with AVOL = 104dB Op Amp Output: Rail-to-Rail and Phase- Reversal-Free Internal ±7.5mV Comparator Hysteresis 20µs Comparator Propagation Delay Resettable Latched Comparator TS12011: Push-pull Rail-to-Rail Output TS12012: Open-drain Output APPLICATIONS Battery-powered Systems Single-Cell and +1.8V, +2.5V Powered Systems Low-Frequency, Local-Area Alarms/Detectors Smoke Detectors and Safety Sensors Infrared Receivers for Remote Controls Instruments, Terminals, and Bar-Code Readers Smart-Card Readers DESCRIPTION The TS12011/TS12012 combine a 0.58V reference, a 20µs comparator, and a unity-gain stable op amp in a single IC. All three devices operate from a single 0.8V to 2.5V power supply and consume less than 1.6µA total supply current. Supply current for all three functions over 0.8V to 2.5V supply range is guaranteed 1.6µA max. Super-flexible for crafting voltage detectors, timers, and wake-up circuits, these bundled functions exhibit low shoot-through currents and graceful power-down modes. Both the comparator and the op amp feature rail-to-rail input stages. The latching comparator exhibits ±7.5mV of internal hysteresis for clean, chatter-free output switching. When compared against similar products, the TS12011/TS12012 offer a factor-of-20 lower power consumption and at least a 55% reduction in pcb area. The TS12011’s comparator has a push-pull output stage with break-before-make switches for low shoot- through currents. The TS12012’s comparator has an open-drain output having no parasitic diode to VDD, for interfacing to wired-OR or mixed-voltage logic. The TS12011 and the TS12012 are fully specified over the -40°C to +85°C temperature range and each is available in a low-profile, 10-pin 2x2mm TDFN package with an exposed back-side paddle. A 0.8V/1.5µA Nanopower Op Amp, Comparator, and Reference TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT Part Number Comparator Output Stage TS12011 Push-pull TS12012 Open-Drain |
同様の部品番号 - TS12011ITD1022 |
同様の説明 - TS12011ITD1022 |
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