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ULQ2003A-Q1 データシート(PDF) 10 Page - Texas Instruments |
ULQ2003A-Q1 データシート(HTML) 10 Page - Texas Instruments |
10 / 25 page ULQ2003A: R = 2.7 k B W ULQ2004A: R = 10.5 k B W 7.2 kW 3 kW R B ULQ2003A-Q1, ULQ2004A-Q1 SGLS148E – DECEMBER 2002 – REVISED DECEMBER 2015 www.ti.com Functional Block Diagram (continued) A. All resistor values shown are nominal. B. The collector-emitter diode is a parasitic structure and should not be used to conduct current. If the collector(s) go below ground an external Schottky diode should be added to clamp negative undershoots. Figure 14. Schematics (Each Darlington Pair) 8.3 Feature Description Each channel of the ULQ200xA-Q1 devices consist of Darlington connected NPN transistors. This connection creates the effect of a single transistor with a very high-current gain ( β2). This can be as high as 10,000 A/A at certain currents. The very high β allows for high-output current drive with a very low input current, essentially equating to operation with low GPIO voltages. The GPIO voltage is converted to base current through the 2.7-k Ω or 10.5-kΩ resistor connected between the input and base of the predriver Darlington NPN. The 7.2-k Ω and 3-kΩ resistors connected between the base and emitter of each respective NPN act as pulldowns and suppress the amount of leakage that may occur from the input. The diodes connected between the output and COM pin is used to suppress the kick-back voltage from an inductive load that is excited when the NPN drivers are turned off (stop sinking) and the stored energy in the coils causes a reverse current to flow into the coil supply through the kick-back diode. In normal operation the diodes on base and collector pins to emitter will be reversed biased. If these diodes are forward biased, internal parasitic NPN transistors will draw (a nearly equal) current from other (nearby) device pins. 8.4 Device Functional Modes 8.4.1 Inductive Load Drive When the COM pin is tied to the coil supply voltage, ULQ200xA-Q1 devices are able to drive inductive loads and suppress the kick-back voltage through the internal free-wheeling diodes. 8.4.2 Resistive Load Drive When driving a resistive load, a pullup resistor is needed in order for the ULQ200xA-Q1 devices to sink current and for there to be a logic high level. The COM pin can be left floating for these applications. 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2002–2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: ULQ2003A-Q1 ULQ2004A-Q1 |
同様の部品番号 - ULQ2003A-Q1_15 |
同様の説明 - ULQ2003A-Q1_15 |
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