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QSG-3200 データシート(PDF) 2 Page - Holt Integrated Circuits |
QSG-3200 データシート(HTML) 2 Page - Holt Integrated Circuits |
2 / 6 page ![]() QSG - 3200 HOLT INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 2 Initial Board Set up 1. Connect a +3.3V power supply to TP1 and ground to TP6. The HI-3200 uses +3.3V. Connect +5.0V to TP2, the HI-3110 used to transfer CAN frames, uses +5.0V. The HI-8596s on the daughter card used to generate ARINC bipolar differential signals only require a +3.3V supply. 2. Connect the RS-232 cable to the board and the PC Serial (COM) port. Some features are only available using commands from the console. To view ARINC 429/825 messages, and control registers, a terminal program such as Hyper-Terminal may be used. Configure the communication for 115200 Baud, 8 bits, No Parity, No handshaking. 3. To evaluate Example 5 described in the HI-3200 data sheet a connection between TX0 (J1- 1,2) and RX0 (J2 – 2,1) must be made on the HI-3200 daughter card. 4. A user provided PE Micro “USB Multilink Interface” debug cable must be connected when using Freescale “Code Warrior” for project software changes, program debugging and MCU reprogramming. The USB Debug connector is used for downloading code to the board from the Freescale IDE and is not required for a standalone demo. 5. HI-3200 daughter card default jumper settings: JP1 – closed SW1-1,2,3 open +5.0V +3.3V GND |
同様の部品番号 - QSG-3200 |
同様の説明 - QSG-3200 |
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