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TG-PM-0518-ETRX357USB データシート(PDF) 3 Page - Silicon Laboratories |
TG-PM-0518-ETRX357USB データシート(HTML) 3 Page - Silicon Laboratories |
3 / 14 page ETRX3USB ©2015 Silicon Labs - 3 - ETRX3USB Product Manual (r4) 1 Introduction The ETRX3USB ZigBee USB Stick is effectively an RS232 to USB bridge connected to an ETRX3 Series ZigBee module. This allows connectivity to a computer’s USB port. The ETRX3USB+8M and ETRX3USB-LRS+8M include an 8Mbit flash memory chip which can be accessed by the firmware in the EM357 ZigBee chip inside the USB stick. The ETRX3USB-LRS and ETRX3USB-LRS+8M have an ETRX357-LRS module in place of the ETRX357 for longer range. The LRS variant has higher output power and better receiver sensitivity; consult the ETRX357 and ETRX357-LRS Product Manuals for the full details. The supplied Windows drivers create a virtual COM Port, so that the command line of the ETRX3 series module can be accessed via any terminal software application. When using Windows® the Telegesis Terminal application can be used as described in the ETRX357 Development Kit manual. 1.1 Supported Operating Systems Windows 98SE Windows XP/Vista/7 Windows 2000 Windows CE * MAC OS-9 MAC OS-X * Linux * * drivers for these systems are available from Silicon Labs though most Linux distributions now include a suitable driver. The bridge chip is a CP2102 with Vendor ID 0x10C4 and Product ID 0x8293. |
同様の部品番号 - TG-PM-0518-ETRX357USB |
同様の説明 - TG-PM-0518-ETRX357USB |
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