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M62021 データシート(PDF) 1 Page - Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor |
M62021 データシート(HTML) 1 Page - Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor |
1 / 9 page ( / 9 ) ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI M62021L,P,FP MITSUBISHI<Dig.Ana.INTERFACE> SYSTEM RESET IC WITH SWITCH FOR MEMORY BACK-UP DESCRIPTION The M62021 is a system IC that controls the memory backup function of SRAM and microcomputer (internal RAM). The IC outputs reset signals(RES/RES) to a microcomputer at power-down and power failure.It also shifts the power supply to RAM from main to backup,outputs a signal (CS) that invokes standby mode,and alters RAM to backup circuit mode. The M62021 contains,in a single chip,power supply monitor and RAM backup functions needed for a microcomputer system,so that the IC makes it possible to construct a system easily and with fewer components compared with a conventional case that uses individual ICs and discrete components. FEATURES •Built-in switch for selection between main power supply and backup power supply to RAM. •Small difference between input and output voltage (IOUT=80mA,VIN=5V)0.2V typ •Detection voltage (power supply monitor voltage)4.40V±0.2V •Chip select signal output(CS) Two channels of reset outputs(RES/RES) •Power on reset circuit built-in •Delay time variable by an external capacitance connected to Ct pin •Facilitates to form backup function with a few number of components BLOCK DIAGRAM APPLICATION Power supply control systems for memory backup of microcomputer system and SRAM boards with built-in backup function that require switching between external power supply and battery. 1 PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) 8 5 6 7 1 4 3 2 Outline 8P5(L) Outline 8P4(P) 8P2S-A(FP) + - 3 8 4 6 GND VIN RES GND 8 5 4 6 7 3 2 1 RES VBAT VOUT Ct(DELAY CAPACITANCE) CS VOUT VBAT VIN Ct(DELAY CAPACITANCE) RES GND RES CS RESET CIRCUIT DELAY CIRCUIT 7 5 1 2 SW Ct CS VBAT VOUT VIN RES RES Com 1.24V R1 R2 D1 |
同様の部品番号 - M62021 |
同様の説明 - M62021 |
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