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TP-101 データシート(PDF) 2 Page - M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc. |
TP-101 データシート(HTML) 2 Page - M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc. |
2 / 2 page • North America Tel: 800.366.2266 • Europe Tel: +353.21.244.6400 • India Tel: +91.80.4155721 • China Tel: +86.21.2407.1588 Visit www.macomtech.com for additional data sheets and product information. M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. 2 RF Pulse Transformer, 500 KHz - 1.5 GHz Rev. V3 TP-101 ADVANCED: Data Sheets contain information regarding a product M/A-COM Technology Solutions is considering for development. Performance is based on target specifications, simulated results, and/or prototype measurements. Commitment to develop is not guaranteed. PRELIMINARY: Data Sheets contain information regarding a product M/A-COM Technology Solutions has under development. Performance is based on engineering tests. Specifications are typical. Mechanical outline has been fixed. Engineering samples and/or test data may be available. Commitment to produce in volume is not guaranteed. Typical Performance Curves Ordering Information Part Number Package TP-101 PIN FP-1 |
同様の部品番号 - TP-101 |
同様の説明 - TP-101 |
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