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MT-G データシート (PDF) - Cree, Inc

MT-G Datasheet PDF - Cree, Inc
部品番号 MT-G
ダウンロード  MT-G ダウンロード

ファイルサイズ   1410.88 Kbytes
ページ   18 Pages
メーカー  CREE [Cree, Inc]
ホームページ  http://www.cree.com/
Logo CREE - Cree, Inc
部品情報 XLamp EasyWhite LEDs

MT-G Datasheet (PDF)

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MT-G Datasheet PDF - Cree, Inc

部品番号 MT-G
ダウンロード  MT-G Click to download

ファイルサイズ   1410.88 Kbytes
ページ   18 Pages
メーカー  CREE [Cree, Inc]
ホームページ  http://www.cree.com/
Logo CREE - Cree, Inc
部品情報 XLamp EasyWhite LEDs

MT-G データシート (HTML) - Cree, Inc

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同様の説明 - MT-G

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Cree, Inc について

Cree, Inc. is an American semiconductor company that specializes in the design and manufacture of wide bandgap semiconductors, including silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) devices, as well as LED lighting and power electronics products. The company was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in Durham, North Carolina.

Cree's wide bandgap semiconductors are used in a variety of applications, including power electronics, automotive, aerospace, and defense. The company's SiC and GaN devices are known for their high efficiency, high power density, and high operating temperature, making them ideal for use in applications where high performance is critical.

In addition to its wide bandgap semiconductor products, Cree also offers LED lighting products, including bulbs, fixtures, and chips, that are used in a variety of applications, including residential, commercial, and industrial lighting. Cree's LED lighting products are known for their high quality, energy efficiency, and long lifespan.

Cree has a strong focus on innovation and research and development, and is committed to developing new and innovative products that meet the evolving needs of its customers. The company has a global presence, with offices and facilities located in the United States, Europe, and Asia, and serves customers in more than 100 countries worldwide.


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