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TLE8088EM データシート(PDF) 10 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
TLE8088EM データシート(HTML) 10 Page - Infineon Technologies AG |
10 / 24 page Data Sheet 10 Rev 1.0, 2012-10-01 TLE 8088 EM Voltage Regulator Figure 4 Reset Function and Timing Diagram 5.3 Watchdog Operation After power on, the reset output signal at the NRO pin is kept LOW for the power-on reset delay time T RD of typ. 15ms. With the LOW to HIGH transition of the signal at NRO the micro controller reset is released. The TLE8088EM integrates a watchdog function. If WDE is connected to low, the watchdog function is disabled. If the WDE is connected to 5V or left open, the watchdog function is enabled. A pull up current source is integrated in the WDE pin. After the activation of the watchdog function, the timing of the signal on WDI from the micro-controller must correspond the WD-Period T WD,p specified in the electrical characteristics. A Re-Trigger of the WD-Period is done with a HIGH-to-LOW transition at the WDI-pin within the time T WD,p. A HIGH to LOW transition of the watchdog trigger signal on pin WDI is taken as a trigger. To avoid wrong triggering due to parasitic glitches two HIGH samples followed by two LOW samples (sample period t sam typ. 64μs ) are decoded as a valid trigger, see Figure 6. A reset is generated (NRO goes LOW) for the time T WR if there is no trigger pulse during the Watchdog Period as shown in Figure 5. Vs t VV5DD t VRT < tRR VNRO t VNRO_H TRD tRR tRR VNRO_L TRD |
同様の部品番号 - TLE8088EM |
同様の説明 - TLE8088EM |
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